Things to check/keep in mind when buying an apartment in Calicut?

Buying a house is a dream to many and no one would want to fall into a pitfall. It’s better to double check everything before finalising. It’s better late then regretting later. You can make a few below mentioned things clear in your mind before finalising your dream house.
  • Be clear regarding what you want rather than getting trapped into seller’s sugar-coated words and buying something which you don’t want.
  • Have some knowledge about the real estate world and observe the market before finalising.
  • Visit the property as many times as you want to at different times of the day. You might find something new every time. Also, observe the natural light and ventilation various times of the day.
  • Plan your budget wisely. Buying home is not the ultimate motto of your life.
  • Are you comfortable with the commuting time it takes to reach the day to day requirements, i.e schools, hospitals, workplace?
  • Talk with the neighbours. They might tell you something seller or agent are not willing to tell.
  • Ask some of your relatives or friends to visit the site as a new party and see what price the agent or the seller gives to them. (A bit cunning, but what's the harm if it saves you a few bucks).
  • Negotiate, with the seller and the agent as well. Yes, that’s mandatory.
  • Check for the necessary clearances or get a legal review done.
  • Check for the water supply.
Ladder Kerala is one of the leading builders in Calicut Provides Luxurious flats & apartments in trivandrum


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